Cancellation Travel Insurance Claim Form
Many people spend weeks looking forward to their holiday and the idea of sunshine and relaxation, only to be faced with cancelling it at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances. We understand that being faced with cancelling your holiday alongside an ill family member can cause additional unneeded stress and worry.
If you need to contact the claims team due to cancellation, this page will clearly explain what you need to do.
What is cancellation travel insurance?
Your cancellation travel insurance policy provides cover in the event that you unexpectedly have to cancel your holiday or trip before you leave home due to specified reasons such as: death, injury or illness of yourself, a close relative or someone travelling with you.
Am I eligible to make a cancellation travel insurance claim?
The Claims Department will assess each individual claim; please take a look below to find out the criteria for the cancellation section of your policy.
You may be eligible to claim if your trip is cancelled because:
- You or a travelling companion is ill, injured or dies before the trip starts;
- A close relative or a close business associate in your home country is ill, injured or dies before the trip starts;
- The person you are going to stay with is ill, injured or dies before the trip starts;
- You are required for jury service or as a witness in a court of law;
- You or a travelling companion is being made redundant;
- If you are in the H.M. Forces, or your leave orders are suddenly cancelled.
You will not be covered if:
- Cancellation is due, or caused by, an existing medical condition unless we have agreed cover, and an additional premium has been paid;
- You have not obtained a written statement from the treating doctor at the time of the cancellation confirming the necessity to cancel your trip;
- You are cancelling due to the death, injury or illness of any pets or animals;
- You are cancelling due to a criminal act committed by you or where you are the defendant in the court case;
- You are cancelling due to financial circumstances or unemployment except when it is due to a compulsory redundancy notice which you received after buying this insurance, and continuous employment for two years;
- You have not been granted leave orders (or these have been withdrawn by your employer on disciplinary grounds).
How to begin your cancellation travel insurance claim
If you are ready to make your claim, please visit the main claims form page to download your claim form. You should use this form to make your claim, answering all questions as fully, truthfully and accurately as possible, as this will enable you claim to be dealt with more efficiently.
The claim form clearly states what additional information and documentation is required in order to support your claim. But examples of the information required include your booking and cancellation invoices from you tour operator, travel agent, accommodation or transport supplier showing date of booking, total amount paid, and the cancellation charges being applied;
If you are cancelling due to medical reasons, your GP must also complete the appropriate section on the claim form. Your claim is limited to the cancellation charges applicable on the date the GP initially diagnosed or investigated your medical condition. No payments/cancellation charges after this date will be reimbursed.
If you are cancelling due to the death injury or illness of a close relative, business associate or travelling companion, their GP must complete the appropriate section on the claim form, and in the case of death you must provide an original death certificate;
If you are cancelling for any other reason, we will need written confirmation from the appropriate organisation.
We strongly recommend that you keep copies of all items that you send to us, just in case the originals are lost in the post.
Where to send your completed form
Once you have completed your claim form and attached all supporting documents, please send it to:
The Claims Department
1 Tower View
Kings Hill
West Malling
ME19 4UY
Turnaround time for all claims is dependent on seasonality and receiving your completed documentation.
For further information regarding our Claims Department and the claims process, please visit our Claims Department page.