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Italy Travel Insurance

Italy is one of the most celebrated tourist destinations in the world, and with good reason - the country really does have it all. It not only boasts some of the most beautiful scenery the world has to offer, hordes of priceless art treasures, and the idyllic Mediterranean climate, but also some of the best food on the planet… mmmm… Pizza!

Whether you're headed to the mountains which run the length of the country, or to the rolling hills and rustic feel of Tuscany, having travel insurance which covers you for essentials like your personal possessions, emergency medical expenses and legal expenses is really important.

Why choose Alpha if you’re travelling to Italy?

We are travel insurance specialists, and genuinely believe that our policies can offer policies to suit your needs at a budget-friendly price. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about sifting through hundreds of options – our policies all offer the same great levels of cover, all you have to do is choose the excess you would like to pay in the event of a claim (ranging from £150 to nothing at all!).

What to do in Italy

Now, it is not all about the food, even if it is amazing! There are so many amazing places to see in Italy, so we have given you a few options below of some to add to your to-do list while you’re there.

Vatican/St Peter’s/Sistine Chapel Tour

street in vatican city directing towards tall building

Pompeii and Capri Island Day Trip

pillars and buildings in an ancient roman city with cloudy skies


italy coliseum in the sunshine with blue sky

*All information and prices correct as at August 2018.

Advice for travelling to Italy

Entry Requirements

As a British National, you will not require a visa to enter Italy.

However, always ensure that your passport is in date and is valid for the whole duration of your stay, as you won’t be covered if you need to cancel because of this!


From 1st January 2021 rules around travel to Europe have changed, visit the Government website for up to date information on passports, EHIC, healthcare and more.

We’ll update this page with more information as and when the Government release it.

For more medical information prior to travelling to Italy please click here.

Useful Info:

CurrencyEuro - Click here for the current exchange rate.
Capital CityRome
Population Over 59,000,000
Emergency InfoFor General emergencies, call 113.

Police: 112

Ambulance: 118

Fire Brigade: 115

Forest Fire: 1515

Car Breakdown assistance: 116
Tipping ProtocolIn restaurants it is customary to leave It is not necessary to tip in Italy, so leaving the waiter change if paying cash is fine!

If you see ‘Coperto’ on your bill – this is the charge for tablecloth/silverware etc although illegal in some regions.

Ensure you keep your receipts. Police generally are around for safety purposes and can ask you to prove you have paid upon leaving.
Drinking Age18 years – although 16/17year olds are permitted to drink a glass of beer, wine or cider in a restaurant whilst eating.
WeatherEarthquakes can be a regular occurrence as much of Italy lies on a major seismic fault line.
For more information click here
SeasonsSpring – March until May

Summer – June until August

Autumn – September until November

Winter – December until February
Languages spokenItalian
PhrasesHello – Ciao

Good Morning – Buongiorno

How are you? – Come va

How much please – Quanto per favore

Good night – Buona Notte
Plug Type220V to 230V – 50Hz
Driving SideRight Hand Side
Local Laws/CustomsYou should always be able to show identification- Photocopies of your passport should be enough – unless it is whilst driving when you will need the original.

You could also be stopped if purchasing from illegal traders on the street (mainly found in tourist areas)
Alpha Travel Insurance
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