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  • Cover for cancellation of your trip
  • Trip delay
  • Cutting short your trip
  • and more!

Large Scale Events Extension

Nothing is worse than having your holiday cancelled by events that are outside of your control. Often, most travel insurance providers offer cover for the usual reasons of needing to cancel your holiday, but when something uncommon happens like a volcanic eruption, or a terror attack, this isn’t covered as standard but you’ll still be left out of pocket. Luckily, we have a ‘Large Scale Events Extension’ that can offer the help that you need, and offer you additional protection for your trip.

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What does our Large-Scale Events extension cover?

The “Large Scale Events extension” offers you additional cover should a force of nature or other unexpected large-scale event decide to ruin your holiday plans. The extension covers you for cancellation of your trip, trip delay, missed departure, cutting short your trip, missed connection and offers accommodation if any of the below happens:

As you can see from the above, you will have broad protection for a wide range of issues should something happen and you can’t go away anymore.


Ɨ Please note, Alpha’s online prices automatically include a 15% discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This is discounted from our core policy price before you add any additional cost of optional extensions or additional medical premium.

Alpha Travel Insurance
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